Thursday, December 24, 2009

Why do people cheat or dont cheat on their partner?

It all started with a weird (or I may call It wonderful) dream a close friend of mine had around a week back. He told me immediately the next morning that he saw himself resisting on his own bed to two of his female colleagues in an unacceptable condition (at least for his wife). So what is the big deal, it’s common for guys to see such things in dream - I said. “Yeah, it is but how many guys out there would tell this dream to their wives?” he said.

No marks for guessing, he narrated this dream to his wife.

“WHAT? I screamed, “So, how she took it?” “She was fine, didn’t react but in the end she asked me a question, if you ever get a full proof chance, would you cheat on me?” He said. “And what was your reply?” I asked with full curiosity and smile on my face. “Of course I would not, I mean if I was not ready to do this even in my dream forget about reality” he continued with his calm voice “but she said I don’t trust you. And I am finding it disappointing.”
“But I hope you know whose fault is this?” I said. “Yeah, I know it’s me I should have not told her anything about the dream at the first place”. We had a laugh on it and went back to our work.

However, it gave me some food for thought. What makes one not cheat on his/her partner despite of knowing the fact that their partner would never come to know about the entire episode? I think it is undoubtedly a true love between two individuals.

There are very few people out there who would not get indulge with someone else being in a committed relationship and it is also true that there are very few people out there who find true love in their life. Conscience of the people who genuinely feel that they are blessed to find their partner, who believe there is no one better out there would never cheat, no matter what or I should say they would never feel a need to cheat because they are so happy with what life has given them.

It can be subjective at times because more often we hear an argument like, “We all are humans, and humans make mistake”. What if, your partner loves you a lot but has cheated on you just once. Would you able to forgive him/her? This was exactly the questions one anchor was asking on a talk show some time back in television. And to my surprise over 90% of people on the show including men and women said, they would forgive their partner if they are assured it would not happen again and he/she is really repenting.

This debate is never ending very relationship is unique and every situation in it can have many permutations and combination. I have personally witnessed people full of misery and pain when they find out about the infidelity of their partner. A word of advice, in a situation like this, It is you who should take a final decision rather than leaving the matter to friends or family to decide, because no one can judge your relationship and emotions better than you and even if down the line you realize that you took a wrong decision, you would not be blaming someone else for it.


  1. Very well described.... I guess every relationship depends on both the partners, how much they love each other (or don’t).

    Love is something beyond the personnel limitations… so if you are in love you with someone, you can’t find some other one better.

  2. Very diplomatically said! But very true.
