Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why We Should Not Use Plastic Bags?

There have been plenty of hue and cries in recent times from many people and organizations about not using plastic bags, as they are considered bad for our environment. Like many other people even I had no idea how exactly it is harmful for our environment so I went to Dr. Google and also asked few friends and colleagues of mine why we should not use plastic bags? I got information in bits and pieces which I thought of putting up here on this blog. I hope it would help people reading this blog to get some insight of what actually happens with the plastic bag when you finally throw it in the garbage.

Here are few facts about plastic bag you might already be aware of:-

1) A plastic bag once manufactured would take minimum 400 to maximum 1,000 years to vanish.

2) More than 100,000 sea birds and marine animals get killed every year when they make a mistake of eating a plastic bag considering it to be their food. It includes dolphins; whales, turtles and other sea animals that are either choked to death after eating it or it remains in their intestine after they manage to swallow it. It causes indigestion and eventually results in a very slow and painful death.

3) All over the world 500 billion plastic bags are used in a year, which would come to 1 million every minute.

4) Approximately 60 million barrels oil is used every year to make them, which would be worth close to £3bn, still plastic bags are cheaper than paper bags but more harmful to environment.

5) Only 0.5% plastic bags are recycled due to its high recycling cost which means rest 99.5% of plastic bags eventually go in waste.

Here is the plastic bags recycle in pictures:-

You go for the shopping and bring home those cool, colorful and good looking plastic bags home. Most of the people reuse it 4 out 10 times.

However, eventually it runs out of its life and its capacity to hold stuff. So we throw it in garbage, as there plenty of people like us so you can see thousands of plastic bags at any garbage depot daily.

Like any other form of garbage these plastic bags too eventually go in a well, lake, river or ocean and keep on floating there.

Animals eat this plastic bag by mistake, assuming it to be their food. Eating plastic either chokes them to the death or if they manage to swallow it then it remain in their stomach causing indigestion and in turn death.

Plastic remains in body of Whales, dolphins and other sea animals that dies cause of swallowing it unless their body gets rotten. Once their body gets rotten completely, the plastic gets released again in water until some other sea animal mistakes it to be their food and this process would continue throughout the life of a plastic bag i.e. 400 to 1000 years.

I hope this article would help you in taking a decision, whether you want to use plastic bags or not.

Please feel free to drop your comments below.

Monday, June 15, 2009

What Women Want?

If you would have been married for a while then I am sure you would have encountered a situation when your wife is somewhat mad at you, maybe she is crying and you don’t have any clue, what the hell on this earth happened which made her upset?

Nevertheless when you ask her, she doesn’t respond with a clear answer, which means we are suppose to figure it out ourselves. Now that’s quite a task. Why does it happen with the women? Why can’t they say what they want or how we are suppose to act in certain situation or what bothers them because this would certainly make things a lot simple (at least for us).

It happened with me more than twice before and was happening with me again this morning. I wish we had some power which would let us see inside a girls mind (something like what Mel Gibson had in the movie “What Women Want”). My wife was upset and was shedding some tears once in a while. I asked her plenty of time what’s wrong? And in return I got some twisted answers. So I decided to purposely leave the home early for the sake of not dragging the issue.

In an attempt to figure it out why it happens with us. I asked this question to very close female friend of mine she chuckled and replied smilingly, here are her words, “it’s not hard to understand a girl, and there are plenty of guys like you who fail to understand our emotions. You must have said or done something which she didn’t like and if you can’t figure it out what was that then you are in trouble. I would advise you to wait for some time and when the time would be right; she would eventually spit it out”. By the time she finished answering my question I was sure she would have been in similar situation with her boy friend before and she would be no different than my wife and act exactly the same way with her husband when she would get married.

I was still curious and decided to do more research on this subject so this time I thought of asking this from my mom. “Is everything okay between you two?” that was her first question after listening to me. I said, “Yeah, everything is good, it is just a routine small fight”. “I am sorry to say but you are exactly like your father, why you men don’t have brains to understand our emotions. This is not a rocket science”. This line made me realize my dad is an old member of the club I have recently joined – The Frustrated Husbands Club. I avoided talking more about it with her and left her place after sometime.

Surprisingly I still had some energy left in me now I thought of asking this from someone in male fraternity. I made a plan of meeting with an old classmate of mine in some club. He was married for past few years. We met to catch up with old times over beer. In between the conversation I asked him about it. He said, “Yeah, it happens plenty of time with me too. I don’t know and don’t pay much attention to it. Hey! Did you see that football match last week?” Clearly he had no idea and was not in mood to analyze it, so we continued with our drinks.

By the time I left the club I was drunk and knew the fact that this is not only our problem. It happened with everyone I talked to today. Now I decided to hear it directly from the horse’s mouth. I went home; she opened the door and got an idea that I was drunk. I looked straight in her eyes and said, “I don’t know what I did wrong but I love you a lot and can’t see you upset. I am sorry”. I finished my sentence. She hugged me and she was all in tears. It took a while for her to stop crying. That time I realized, its okay for guys to fail to understand their wifes and girl friends, what matters most is how much you care for them. I knew it was not a right thing to do then but still I asked her, “Sweetie, now at least tell me. What happened in the morning? Maybe it would help me to be more careful in future”. “Nothing, forget it, you would never understand”, she said while hugging me again with a throat full of tears.

We went to sleep that night with no stews. However, the mystery remains unsolved. Why women want us to understand everything without she saying a word? Is there any smart men/women who can throw some light on this :)

We would love to hear from you. Please drop your comments below.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Black Widow Spider

Black Widow Spider

I always used to be curious about Black Widow Spiders. Like most of us I also heard the stories of how someone can die if they bite and how female spider kills her male counterpart after mating, so I thought of doing some research and writing a post about them. Here we go.

Black widow spiders are popularly known for their venomous bites and female spiders killing and then eating their mate after mating. This gruesome and horrifying act has given them their name. They are also considered the most venomous species of spiders mainly in North American region. They are majorly found in warm and temperate conditions around the globe.

They usually eat insects after trapping them in their web like any other species of spiders. They have a lifespan anywhere between one to three years. They are also known as Redback spider and Katipo in Australia and New Zealand respectively. Females are capable of lying as much as seven hundred and fifty eggs and they hatch in the time span of two to four weeks. Though baby spiders are not venomous but they do eat each other.

They are very easy to recognize with their glowing black body and depending on the species different kind of red marks on the top. Female black widow is relatively easy to recognize as they have red hourglass shape beneath their abdomen.

There are couple of facts about them and many people might not be aware of it.

1) Bites are rarely fatal – Their bites are not capable of causing any serious damage. People who are bitten by them often admitted suffering from muscle pain and nausea. There are some exceptions, as bites to infants, small kids and physically weak people who have less resistance can be fatal. Black widow spider is not aggressive in behavior, likes to stay away from people and bites usually in self-defense.

2) Mating and then killing is not a hard and fast rule – It is not necessary that every time a female would kill her counterpart after mating.

Sometimes a female black widow does kill male black widow after mating, scientist have different opinions about it. Some believe because there are very less chances for a male to find another female mate, as females remain alone and mate only once in year, so his life doesn’t serve the purpose of evolution, female black widow understand this and eat him as this would increase nutrition for female which would help in increasing egg production.

Others believe it happens only when the female black widow is really hungry and she doesn’t want to miss out potential food source as all nutrition directly goes in the female body.

Do you want to share a thought? Please feel free to drop your comments.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Are you ready to handle the success?

We see in our day to day life many ordinary people achieve milestones in their respective fields and they look very promising in long run. Let it be any arena sports, showbiz, corporate or glamour, we see potential star sportsman’s, heroes, business tycoons and super models from time to time in all of them but very few people turns out to be living up to the expectations.

Even in your office you would have see a youngsters getting a job and turned out be very efficient in learning their new office work, you even find them very disciplined and they keep on getting appreciation for their work from their boss. You can feel the potential in those youngsters; still you would have noticed there are very few who make it big.

Sure, there would be plenty of factors like hard work, luck, circumstances or it can be their ability to handle the success. It is not an easy job to handle the success, you have been a boy next door ever since you were born and then one fine day you get recognition. All of a sudden you find people appreciating you all the time. You find your parents are proud of you and you get a chance to get back at the people who used to criticize your work or who used to consider you good for nothing.

Most of the people get distracted because of this fame and recognition. They sure do value what has brought them this recognition but still they fail to sustain it in their life and those who manage to sustain do accomplish the goal which they were supposed to.

To tell you the truth, it is painful not to achieve that success you always dreamt of, the passion you always had and the goal which didn’t let you to sleep for years when expectations of the people (including your loved ones) are riding high on you but it becomes even more painful if they have seen a glimpse of you getting there and now you are just not getting there.

So what should one do? The answers lie within you only. If you happen to be one of those people who think they have a setback (there are no failures but setbacks) because they were not able to handle the success then you must be congratulated because you have already realized it and next time when you would find yourself in similar situation then you would be mentally more tough to deal with it.

People who are yet not there, I want to say few humble words to them, “Never let success go to you head and a failure to your heart”.

Have you ever been in a similar situation? We would love to hear from you. Please drop your comment below. Thank you.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Power of Focus

Power of Focus

During school days it was a compulsion to sit through the boring seminars of various guest speakers who used to come down at our school on the special request of our directors. I must say that was a pain, however, during one of those lectures I learnt one of the most important things of my life. I learnt the importance of focus! Focus on what you want in life, let it be your career, your dream car, fame or the boy/girl next door.

He was just another guest lecturer (I wish I could mention his name, but I don’t remember). He started off his speech with a very good example which I remember till date. He said “Sun has tremendous and tremendous amount of energy, if we could fully use even its millionth part then we can do number of good things for mankind. But unfortunately we are not able to use it because sun’s energy is scattered. On the other hand if you take a laser beam and focus it on a wall of metal, you would see within few seconds it would make a hole in that wall and go past it. This is the power of focus for you. Similarly we all have potential and energy, however we fail to put it all in getting what we want in life”. Many people along with me had their eyes wide open after listening to this and we were wondering how true it was.

It’s been many years but I still remember this and try to implement it in my life. Sure there would be obstacles, distractions and difficulties in one’s life but if one doesn’t want to see himself/herself as just another person from the crowd then there is no other choice but to overcome them.

You should concentrate and concentrate hard, remove all distractions from your life, or if you can’t remove them then at least reduce them to minimum and very soon you would see your dreams coming true.

Having said above lines, I would also like to make a point that you should also realize at what cost you are getting what you want in life. It happens with many individuals who put everything they have at stake and when they finally get what they want then they realize they have paid heavily for it. You may find these statements contradictory to what I have said earlier and it is also true up to a certain extent because it is you who has to decide or rather realize what is more important for you.

Whatever you decide, you would be chasing something in life for sure, remember impossible is nothing, you just need to stick around it. As it is rightly said by Albert Einstein “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer”.

All the best and always remember the power of focus.

Don't hesitate to share your thoughts about this post. We would love to hear from you. Thank you.

Reader's Nirvana Welcomes All.

Hi!! Welcome to Reader’s Nirvana and to the first post of this blog. Like any other blog, this blog also has some purpose and reason of its existence. It is for the people who love to read almost anything they find interesting and to tell you about the reason this blog’s existence, I would have to tell you a small story. It’s about me.

I remember as a kid I used to love reading comics. I was so much into it that its addiction remained until last few months of my high school. The reason due to which I left reading comics was I became more interested in reading novels (mostly fiction and till today I maintain this habit), once my grandpa saw me reading some novel which was of course a work of fiction and full of violence and fantasies with bit of a sex thrown in. He stood next to me for few seconds and said, “I have seen you read a lot, it’s good, but the kind of literature you read is of no use, in fact I doubt it would do anything good to your mind. If you want then I can get you some good biographies of some great people, and I am sure you would like it”.

I had never read a biography then and I was not sure if I would find it interesting but just for the sake of not refusing him directly I agreed but on a condition that I would finish my current book first and he agreed.. Very soon he got this book for me. I saw its cover, it said, “Edison – A Biography”. People who don’t remember Edison, he is the one who invented the bulb :), I started reading the book reluctantly but it kept me interested till the end though it became bit technical at times. I couldn’t just thank enough my grandpa for that book. Interestingly what followed was the series of different biographies of different famous people from different walks of life I read again and again over the time. Gradually I started reading more interesting and different stuff ranging from short parables to sophisticated literature. Even today if find something interesting (let it be about anything), I still read it with curiosity.

So the moral of the story is I love to read. I love reading about anything and everything as long as it is interesting and makes sense to me and I wonder how many people like me are out there. I sincerely hope there are many otherwise my this whole idea of creating a blog where people can read and post the stuff they find useful or helpful or entertaining would go in vain.

With this hope I want to extend my warm welcome from Reader’s Nirvana to you all, who have taken some time out to visit this blog and read my first post, with the promise that you would find plenty and plenty of useful stuff here in coming days.

We would love to hear from you. Please take some time out and drop your comments. Thank you.